Pubg teased about the new mode " Mysterious Jungle" or "Jungle Adventure " as they didn't give give more detail about it. Pubg mobile tweeted that they will launch this mode on 1 June.
This Jungle Adventure mode, most probably won't be a permanent mode in the Sanhok Map, it would either a Time Limited Mode or you would get this Jungle Adventure mode on random basis while matching for a normal match in Sanhok Map (like the Night Mode in the Erangel Map).
Adventure awaits! 🗺️— PUBG MOBILE (@PUBGMOBILE) May 27, 2020
Make sure you're prepared to enter the mysterious jungle on 6/1! 👉
You can expect these two things in the new update:
Hot Air Ballooon:
So, when the game starts you can see the different locations marked on the map, where you can find HOT AIR BALLOONS, this is somewhat similar to the previous Halloween Mode which was there in the Erangel Map. You may get some sort of Loot inside the Balloon.
You can then start flying in the balloon, and there will also be a Zoom Button or Emote Button, you can change the view for site-seeing for the balloon using these buttons.
Another thing that you may find in this mode is Tomatoes. The tomatoes are called as Jungle Food in this Mode, this is some-what similar to the Chicken that you get in the Artic Mode. But the use of these tomatoes is much different than the chicken.
Use :The jungle provides...if you know where to look! 🍊— PUBG MOBILE (@PUBGMOBILE) May 28, 2020
The Mysterious Jungle launches on 6/1! 👉
You'll see the tomatoes on the land in a group of three. When you pick up those tomatoes, it will take some seconds and then you'll get them inside your bag. Then you can locate the tomato inside your bag and click on Use, so your character will eat the tomato, and once your character finishes eating the tomato you'll be able to see the locations of the Air Drops blinking on the map. So you are not alone, other player would also be able to see the air drops.
Currently these two features are said and seen (in the Beta version of the game) to be coming in the New Jungle Adventure Mode.
Also comment below and let us know how excited are you about this new mode and Share this post with your frienda who love playing in the Sanhok Map and let them know about this new Mode!